Find a list of tourist parishes around the valley, starting with the Guardian Angel Cathedral, located on the Las Vegas Strip.
Guardian Angel Cathedral
302 Cathedral Way
(702) 735-5241
Located North of the Encore & South of Convention Center Drive
8 - 8:45 (Mon.-Fri.)
Mass Times
Mon-Fri: 12:10pm
Sat: Vigil 2:30pm
Sun: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11am
Parish Website
55 E. Reno Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89118 | (702) 891-8600
Located one block south of Tropicana Avenue; just past Tropicana Hotel and Casino
(make left onto Reno Avenue from the Strip)
Mass Times:
Mon-Fri: 12:10pm
Sat: (Sunday Vigil) 4pm
Sun: 8am, 10am,12pm-noon and 2pm (in English) 4pm (in Spanish)
Holy Days of Obligation Masses are the same times as Sunday Masses.
Confession/Reconciliation: Mon-Fri-11:30am to 12pm & Sat-2:30pm to 3:15pm
Parish Website
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
315 S. Casino Center Blvd.
(702) 382-9909
Located two blocks south of the Fremont Street on Casino Center Boulevard
Mass Times:
Mon-Fri: 12:15pm
1st Fri 6:30pm (with healing prayers and anointing)
Sat Vigil: 5pm
Sun: 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 5pm
Saturday: 4:20pm-4:50pm
Sunday: 9:00a.m.-9:20a.m.
Weekday: Monday-Friday 11:30a.m.-12:00p.m.
First Friday-11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. & 5:30-6:30p.m.-Confession
Parish Website
3055 El Mirage Way at Banyon Way
(702) 298-0440
4:00 PM - Saturday
10:00 AM - Sunday
12:00 Noon - Sunday
Masses at the Riverside Casino are held in Don's Celebrity Theatre.
6:00 PM - Saturday
8:00 AM - Sunday
3055 El Mirage Way
Laughlin, NV
Other Mass Times:
Mon., Tues., and Friday: 8am