October 28, 2023 (Las Vegas) — The 2023 Session of the Synod on Synodality released the Synthesis Report on Saturday, Oct. 28. Archbishop George Leo Thomas, Ph.D., Archbishop of Las Vegas, has issued the following statement on the document published by the Assembly, saying:
"As the 2023 Session of the Synod on Synodality draws to a close, I am grateful for the Synthesis Report. This document summarizes the discussions of the 2023 Assembly on the Synod and embodies the vision of Pope Francis that began in 2021. The Holy Father has encouraged us to foster a more synodal Church, one that prioritizes attentive listening, profound discernment, and purposeful planning, all while remaining attuned to the unpredictable inspirations of the Holy Spirit.
Synodality serves as a valuable gift for the Church, enabling us to comprehend and address, in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, 'the joys and hopes, the sorrows and anxieties of the people of this age, especially those who are marginalized or suffering.' (Gaudium et Spes, 1).
The Archdiocese of Las Vegas enthusiastically embraces the Synod process, and I am delighted by the collaboration already taking place among priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and the laity in our pastoral care efforts. During the Mass of Canonical Establishment of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Las Vegas On Oct. 16, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, echoed this sentiment before reading the Papal Bull saying, “What we celebrate today is this local Church being what the Church is called to be: a living sign of the presence of her Savior in the world. As Archbishop Thomas has said, the elevation of this local Church is a result of the dynamism and vitality of the Catholic faith here.”
Cardinal Pierre further added, ”It is the fruit of the pastoral care and labors of the clergy and the lay faithful working together. It is the outcome of synodality - women and men walking together on a shared journey of faith. Catholics in this local Church are realizing the vision of the Second Vatican Council: not only that all are called to holiness, but that all the baptized - clergy, religious, and lay - share responsibility for the mission of the Gospel.”
This Synod has provided a platform for open, honest, and at times, challenging discussions on complex issues. I commend Pope Francis for his unwavering commitment to fostering a Church that listens and responds to its people while remaining attuned to the sign of the times."