More about Creighton Model:
Official Creighton Model Fertility Care System website.
Catholic context for NFP:
Stella-Ruby Palileo, a cradle Catholic, received her BSN from McAuley School of Nursing, University of Detroit Mercy.
She's been an RN for 23 years, specializing in NICU nursing for 19 years. Currently, Stella-Ruby is a FertilityCare Practictioner Intern at Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction. She is completing her studies to become a Creighton Model System (Creighton Model) Certified FertilityCare Practictioner.
Stella-Ruby is grateful for the opportunity to teach the Creighton Model System to couples wishing to learn a method of Natural Family Planning and also to teach women how to monitor their fertility & gynecologic health.